The Orion 930 Dual Depth Pinless Wood Moisture Meter Kit features the Orion 930 meter, designed for measurement of moisture content from the surface down to .25”(6.4mm) or .75”(19mm) deep inside wood or other material. The Orion 930 Dual Depth moisture meter features the versatility that is needed for flooring, quality control, woodworking, and inspection applications.

Home Addition & Renovation
Integrated Shelf Lights and Under Cabinet Lighting
Welcome back to the kitchen build! This time, I’m going to be working on cabinet lighting, which includes both under-cabinet lighting and in-cabinet lighting. Every
228 Responses
Kinda hard to get pins 4 inches into the slab I’ve got drying on the porch 🙂
Hi Matt thanks for your YouTube channel it makes me want to build a sawmill
See you at the wood show in Vegas next week
Great meter
Whoohoo! I need!
Pretty much anything Matt Cremona demos or recommends is going to be worthwhile having or at the very least paying attention to
Nice review of the product.
Thank you for a chance to win an Orion meter. Glad Orion chose you to sponsor.
Your videos are very helpful and interesting, especially how you make your choice for cutting a log.
Never missed one of your videos since I found you on here a few years ago
Thanks Jim!
I really enjoy your ‘down to earth’ approach to your videos and work. Also, your sawmill is AWESOME!
Love the videos and this wood be a great tool for my wood working and saw mill cuts
Just started milling up some smaller logs so this would be nice to have
Moisture meter is handy to have around the shop.
Love the encapsulated slab.
Not sure but a moisture meter of this stature is cool as hell
Moisture meter is must have if you work with tough cut lumber.
Moisture meter is a useful tool
Looks like a handy tool to have.
I was very impressed with the Wagner meter demo I saw on Matt Cremona’s channel.
I’ve been out of saw milling for quite some time no time driving a big rig. getting back into saw milling starting all over from scratch.
When you peeled the encapsulated slab off of the tape, I was really surprised at the color. It might be interesting (on a smaller table) to have a gap in the table top for inserting colored sheets to change the tint of the table?
Enjoy your videos so very much. Wish that I could do some of the projects that you are so successful doing.
Always love to see the bandsaw mill in action!
Love what you do with wood.
That moisture meter looks Awsome
Love your videos!! It gives me a lot of insight on sawing!! Thanks Matt!!
Great presentation of a great product line
These meters are way better than mine.
Enjoy your content
I’m just starting to get back into woodworking (it’s been 30 plus years) and it would be great to win this meter.
I love this project just awesome
Love your videos , especially when you use your sawmill!
A moisture meter is an essential tool for woodwork
A moisture meter is an essential tool for woodwork here in Australia
Love the look of the pour!
Thanks Rick!
Thanks Matt! Keep up the good work.
Looks like a very solid unit. Would love to try one out.
Looking to start milling for guitar builds. Would love this meter
Great work Matt, I could use a new moisture meter
Looks like a pretty good meter
Enjoy watching all your videos and that pour came out great!
Nice demo of the moisture meter. I could really use one without pins.
The encapsulation came out great!!
I have been milling wood, and i was just thinking about a moisture meter!
From winnipeg
Incredible work I am gearing up to saw slabs when I retire
Thank you for the content.
Way better way to check moisture than the old pin-type unit I have been using – thanks for the demo Matt.
I’ve been looking for a moisture meter, I could use this one.
I’m very interested in your product.
Love your videos. I always like to watch your sawmill doing it’s thing. If I was younger I would buy your plans for sure.
Wow, everybody wants to win. Well, coooouunt me in!
Hope I win!
Love your content. I would love to have a moisture meter for the slabs I started to mill with my new mill.
Great project. Thanks.
Loved your video. Still excited about getting heavily involved into the carpentry world. Thank you for all of your content and hopefully ill get stationed some place close to try and come out your way for a tour.
You folks ahve some fine products. And I am not happy to keep pushing pins into nice wood to determine its moisture level.
Always enjoy your work and enthusiasm. Thanks Matt
Lovely slab work, will enjoy seeing the final piece.
I thought the comment was going to the Wagner people. Addressing your youtube channel, the thing I most enjoy is your easy personality — such a nice combination of a relaxed and engaging approach with a huge work ethic.
Matt, love you videos great job. Hope to have this for my first meter
Looks like a great product. This would be my first moisture meter. It would be a huge help in taking my woodworking to a new level making it easier to account for wood movement.
Thanks for the chance to win a meter. As a life long wood worker and builder I know how important the moisture content can affect the out come of a project.
Thanks for the contest ! I can’t wait to build a saw mill and start milling my own lumber !
Awesome as always
Great information and presentation style. Moisture meter is on my wishlist.
Thanks for your continuing with your enthusiasm and great videos.
Love your channel keep up the good work!
Interesting. My meter die in a fall. So, I will consider one of those.
Hope this’ll be my first moisture meter…thanks Matt, for always being inspiring in woodworking
Love your videos, very informative and entertaining!
Thank you for all you do for the woodworking community! It is very much appreciated!
If it’s good enough for Matt…
Love the content Matt. Wife and I stumbled across your channel after we were gifted the use of a Wood-Mizer a month ago and now we watch your channel together and really appreciate how you do what you do 🙂
Thanks William!
This will be the first time I’ve won one of these things, can’t wait. Thanks Matt
It wold be cool to win
Great looking work you do matt, keep up the neat projects.
Matt Cremona is one of my most followed content makers in YouTube.
Nice to see someone like Wagner team up with Matt Cremona
Love the teaching and sharing you do!
Love the channel. have learned so much watching. thanks always. Cant wait to win.
Pick me. Pick me. Pick me. Pick me.
Can’t wait to see the finished table.
Your Product looks great and will help in my shop
Western Oklahoma seems to be a bad place to try slabbing. Can’t find many big trees.
These new meters are awesome. So is your work and ability to teach it
Literally just did some small slabbing for the first time. This thing would come in handy when the time comes to use the stock.
Love your work
I have a cheap moisture meter but i don’t think it is very good. I would love the new wagner 930 as i’ve seen a few guys on you tube and they rate it very highly
Enjoy some Wagner products and trust them always.
Time for a meter upgrade! 🙂
Love your channel! Watch you all the time!
I have the same pin style meter Matt showed in this video, its hard to get accurate readings. I would love to move up to a Orion 930 and “ditch the pins” once and for all!
Thanks for all your time and valuable information. Would still like to understand how you determined how much epoxy you needed for that encap project!
I doesn’t known Orian before this video, but it’s seam to be the best moisture meter I ever seen
Nice video and nice looking meter.
Always wanted one of these but could never justify the cost
Using a pin style now, would be great to upgrade.
Great show
Since I saw the first video that I have followed for some time, thank you for sharing your knowledge, I like to see when you saw the slabs very beautiful pieces.
Thanks Jorge!
Hope I Win
Will be nice to have
Love the tutorial on products. You do a great job! Informative without selling.
Thanks Fred!
Love what you r’e doing ….are you planning anything in Vegas with April?
Just hanging out at the Triton booth
I find Matt’s videos very informative and especially interesting to watch.
will these meters work on a round surface like a rough turned bowl blank?
I have an early version wagner and it works great
I want this meter
Helpful review!
Nice review of the meter
I’m a fellow Minnesotan. I love learning from your work.
I have never owned a moisture meter but enjoyed the review and put it on my list of next purchases. Also am a subscriber of Matthew Cremona weekly updates, where I saw the review of the Wagner-Orion-930 meter. Thank you
Thanks for the chance to win!
Looks cool
Entertaining and informative.
Great Videos Matt
Nice encapsulation! Jeez, that’s a lot of epoxy.
Love your channel – keep up the awesome work.
I was just researching meters yesterday! Thanks for the timely review.
I have been woodworking for long time and have never used a moisture meter. I guess I have very blessed with my woodworking.
I have used other types of moisture meters over the years. I would like to see how Wagner’s compares
began stickering and drying my own wood about 10 months ago. Bought a moisture meter to check the drying progress of my slabs. Compared the reading of my slabs to some wood in the shop, and got varying readings, which I would expect.
I bought a meter in the $70 range…cannot justify the $350 for an Orion meter.
But I am glad to have one.
I really wonder about the accuracy of the different brands however. Is the ORion meter really that much better than the meter I bought?
Just starting out and would find this meter useful. Much like my stud finder, and luckily i found myself.
I’m life long woodworker, but have never used a moister meter. would like to try one.
I dont have a meter and need one
Enjoy your projects. I made a log arch for my trailer after seeing yours and I love it!
The dp mode would be a great improvement. Hope I win.
Thank you for the promotion.
Matt Cremona was very good at showing the ins and outs of the moisture meter. Very good products.
Thank you, nice meter.
Great looking product. Takes moisture reading to a whole new level.
I always look forward to seeing Matt’s shop updates and the products he using, it helps me make buying decisions for my shop
Love Mats content especially the sawmill
Matt is great in explaining your product.
Always enjoy Matt’s videos, I especially enjoyed the moisture meter information. Thanks
I have one of your pin type meters, it’s served me well. Would love to own one of you scanning meters that I’ve been admiring for some time. Thanks
I love matts videos they are always so expiring and packed full of info
I have an old meter im excited to win a new one. I m trying to start a business help young people to love wood working and employ them
Have always enjoyed Matt’s videos. Have learned so much about sawing logs for lumber.
Love the slab Matt. Beautiful!
Love the color of the epoxy and that moisture meter looks like it does everything but the 10 day forecast. lol
You can never tell the moisture of wood by feeling the surface. A good meter is a must.
I am just starting out in woodworking, so this tool wood be a big help.
Matt’s videos are the best
watch all of Matt’s videos
Matt’s videos are very informative
Would love to have one of these in my garage workshop
I have a pin type right now and it works OK but have been looking into the pinless type with more
Congrats on becoming a local celebrity
Just starting out in the wood working trade
To the truest Wood Whisperer, from tree to slab to Cremona creations, the most amazingly gifted wood worker I have ever encountered, thank you Matt for the opportunity. Have a great day mate, stay cool from way down under
Thanks Philip!
Great article about you in the local paper ! Congratulations on 5 years of hard work, a wonderful family, entertaining us, being a champion of urban wood reuse, supporting the greater woodworking community and being such a great craftsman. “Giggle on”
Thanks Chris!
Always enjoy your videos
I got into woodworking so that I would have something to do when I retired, but the the cost of tools and lumber has gone up so high that it is almost impossible to afford my hobby. Thanks to the Wood Talk guys (miss them) for putting out good post and information, so I can make good choices on spending my money.
PS. Matt, where can I find a sugar momma like yours, so that I don’t have to go back to work to afford my hobby?
Looks pretty cool!
First came across your channel when you were starting to make the bandsaw, I love that saw and totally enjoyed watching you make it. Currently in the process of build my new workshop.
Thank you!
Excellent work !!
Matt… I watch all your
YouTube broadcast…
Excellent work !!
Matt… I watch all your
YouTube broadcast…
Keep up the great
Thanks Steve!
great video and product
Looks like a great tool
Thanks for the informative content!
Yay, Matt
Yay, Matt Cremona
Thanks, Matt you make woodworking fun again. Keep up the laughter and the inspiration you provide. Always great content.
Thanks Scott!
That meter would definitely be helpful! Keep up the great content!
Awesome meter. Would be a great addition to my little shop
Great tool
Would be great, specially if it is calibrated to Australian Hard wood, mainly eucalyptus.
yes, species setting would be 65
Great, We rebuilt our house a few years back and had to have a couple of trees felled. A Eucalyptus botryoides and a Eucalyptus grandis. Both slabbed and been drying under the house for almost 9 years now. Going to be dining setting and other projects.
Would be an upgrade from my pin meter
Looks like a great tool.
Thanks Matt. Your inspiration is infectious.
Looks like a great tool especially for my bowl blank moisture measuring
Would be a great upgrade from my pin meter
Nice meter..
Thanks Matt for all that you do
Very interesting videos. Making table tops with epoxy. Nice work. Geo.
Nice job on the slabbing . GEO.
love the closed loop system you have
thanks for the chance to win, keep up the great work Matt!
Thanks for chance to win this superb but too expensive (for me) moisture meter… I look on it last week but price stop my passion…
I have a cheap pin type I use at my sawmill and could sure use something more acurate
sure could use one!
Would be a great step forward in supplying quality dry lumber
An upgrade would be nice
Would love to have a pin less type of moisture meter. Best of luck to everybody!
Nice looking unit and great to have a case to keep it & paper on it so it does not get lost
Love your inspiring videos!
A moisture meter could come in handy!
Hi from across the pond. I’ve been binge watching since the Saw Build and now playing catch up for the older content. Looks like you had fun at Crimson!! ATB GC
Thank you!
Could really use one of those meters
your you tube channel has inspired me greatly. I have recently bought a woodland 130 mill and one of my first big projects is to mill some 150year old ponderosa pines that ate 4 foot accross the butt. thank you for your inspiration.
Awesome mill and videos.
I really enjoy watching the content that you produce.
Thank you
I really enjoy watching the content that you produce.
Do you still have the Gilligan hat my wife sent you when you were at Marc’s shop a couple of years ago.
Thanks for all of your videos. I’ve learned a lot over the years.
Can I enter for the moisture meter with the below info?
Like your channel and the videos. Great work! Would be nice to win this moisture meter:)
This would be great. I’ve been using my Indian weather rock. Great videos.
Great videos