The Final Purlin

Welcome back to the build! We have three more days that should still be pretty warm, but then the temps are going to drop off a cliff. Hopefully we can get enough done in the next three days so that the last two days of the week aren’t completely miserable. Last week we got through that first roof section, so the next thing is to work on the same roof section on the other side of the building. But before we can do that, all of the soffits and fascia need to go on. And we have done none of that yet. In fact, there’s still two purlins missing, so we’ll put the final purlins in today, as well as converting the skeleton frame to something that looks like a fascia with a soffit underneath it. Jack and I are going to be doing that most of the day today, while Donavan will be around on the other side of the building, putting up some more of the wall steel and maybe setting a couple more windows. 

Big moment for us: the final purlin!

On to the fascia board for Jack and me.

Meanwhile, Eric and Donavan are working on this wall.

Next thing up here is to start running our house wrap up in here, then we can put our F channel in for the soffit and keep going with that.

F channel is up now, so we can get some soffit pieces in place. We’re going to do this differently on this side by stapling it, like we did on the ends, because that was way easier. This is very much like doing purlins. It’s repetitive, and there’s so many. It’s a lot of soffit. 

Now we can get the fascia on.

Donavan and Eric have been productive as well, and we are getting ready to install the top section of the wall to wrap up the day. This top area is removable so we can come back later and install trusses for the porch, whenever we get around to doing that. To keep things moving pretty quickly, we’re going to basically just tack them up and then come back through and screw them off for real the rest of the way. 

That’s where we’re going to leave it today! Something weird is going on with this short piece section. I’m not really sure why, but as we kept going, the pieces kept creeping. We thought maybe it was because there’s too much bulk where the seams are, because we have the seams on the bottom and the seams on the top kind of lapping over top of that. So we thought maybe there’s too much material there. So we skipped an area so our seams don’t line up, and we still have the same problem. Something to mess with in the future. With this top section I don’t care too much how that looks, because it’s going to come off anyway. 

Thank you, as always, for joining. I greatly appreciate it, if you have any questions or comments on the barn, please feel free to leave me a comment. As always, I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have. And until next time, happy woodworking!

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