Saying Goodbye to my Warehouse

Happy moving day! Today we’ll be moving my warehouse to the new building. And by moving, I mean leaving it on pallets until the space is more ready for me to set up in it. I have a 26 foot dock height box truck that I’m renting for the move today. So time to pick up that truck, go to the warehouse, and start loading up. Donavan is helping me today, and he’s already there, getting things staged by the dock. We should have two box truck loads and then one load here on the trailer.

We’ve got the last of the chair kit inventory onto the truck. Now we’re going to try and fly this thing in here.

First load is packed, so now it’s time to unload it back home. Tomorrow we’re going to be back in the barn with the lift installing all of the last bits of truss bracing in here, so I’m probably going to end up leaving a lot of stuff outside, and we’ll just tarp things so they don’t get any dew on them. We don’t have any rain in the forecast, so I’m not super worried about that. My biggest priority right now is just getting this truck unloaded so we can get back and load it again. 

Now we are back at the warehouse, with both the box truck and the truck and trailer. We’ll load up the last of it and head back to the barn. 

Next, disassembly of the Palo rack. I’ve got an eight foot and a 10 foot rack to take down. And Donavan was actually the one who helped me set them up, and now he’s helping me take them down.

I have one more trip to come back and get my forklift and a few other things, but that’s all that’s left. Just a few things. 

Back at the barn, we’re going to try to get the wood out here, and I should be able to pull everything else out in the morning when it’s light out and I can see what I’m doing.

Here’s our field of stuff! It was just as hectic of a move as I thought it was going to be. 

There were a few things I was going to mention that I didn’t have a chance to. First off, I just want to say thank you to everyone who left comments on the video about the move. I thought there were a lot of really great comments and a really great discussion. 

As far as the space goes, one thing I forgot to mention at the warehouse, and that was ceiling height. The warehouse space that I’m used to has a clear height from the floor to the bottom of the trusses of 20 feet. Hopefully that provides some insight into why I wanted the open truss design. I don’t have quite the flexibility of that space with as much head height that the warehouse had, but I do have something kind of similar. My racking can extend up into the trusses, and I get some more ceiling height past my actual head height by having those trusses open. 

Time to get this bandsaw unloaded, because I need my trailer to haul some wood tomorrow. I haven’t really shown this bandsaw, even when I moved it into the warehouse two years ago. So I’ll run through it right now, and give you an idea of what sort of thing you might see now that I have it somewhere I can work on it. This is a 42 inch band saw, which puts the table height really really high. The way they compensate for that is to have the saw set up so that the bottom wheel is supposed to go down into the floor. I’m not going to cut a trench for a bandsaw in my floor, so I’ll leave it up on some kind of base. But if you’re doing scroll work, this is the perfect height for me. I’ll also probably use this for re-sawing, so table height doesn’t really matter for that. 

It has a seven-and-a-half horsepower, three phase motor that is a direct drive. 

And here is the upper wheel. I didn’t talk about it before, but here are some things that are bad about this. I haven’t plugged it in, but I’m assuming it runs. The upper wheel needs a new tire. 

The other bad thing I’ve noticed is the tables are a little tweaked. You can see in the alignment pinhole how off center it is. So one side of the table is high and one is low. I may need to have the table resurfaced. I don’t know, this has been a project on the to-do list for a long time. It’ll probably stay that way for some more time.

So we are currently having the insulation installed, and as they finish up this back area, we’re just kind of following them out and stacking things in here. Everything will stay in here like this until the floor is sealed, and then we will move everything out into the field for them to seal the floor. But at least everything is here and I’m done moving, which is super nice. 

And that brings me to one pro of this space versus my previous warehouse space: all of this space out here. At the warehouse space, that area was a hundred feet back from the dock door. Everything had to go down a six foot aisle, and anything coming in or out of the building had a nine foot wide dock door to go through. So practically speaking, taking things in and out of the warehouse was not easy. But the advantage of the barn is that I can pretty easily move things outside temporarily if I need more room. 

I also got asked for a size comparison between the warehouse and the barn. The total space of the bar is a little under 39×71, which is about a hundred square feet more than my warehouse space. So this is just a little bit bigger than what I’ve had for the past two years. 

That is going to do it for this one. Thank you as always for joining. I greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions or comments on the move, please feel free to leave me a comment. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. And until next time, happy woodworking!

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