I had a very productive week with the mill. I was able to work through most of my small log pile and I was able to modify the blade guide mounts on the saw. In the shop, I finally finished applying finish to the farmhouse benches and now I can get those out of the shop.
Giveaway Details: https://www.mattcremona.com/giveaways/100k-subscriber3-year-anniversary-giveaway
Farmhouse Table Project: https://thewoodwhispererguild.com/product/farmhouse-table-benches/
Finishes I used on the table and benches
Epifanes: http://amzn.to/2a4Yczl
Epifanes Matte: http://amzn.to/2ahliWJ
CPES: https://star-distributing.com/store/Clear%20Penetrating%20Epoxy%20Sealer.html