Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Dec 4, 2017

This week I carved the fans into two of the drawer fronts of the highboy. I also started working on prepping all the stock for the drawer sides.

Viewer Projects

Crib by Paul

My crib is constructed in solid walnut, with floating tenons and threaded inserts with knockdown hardware.
I have an Instagram account (software_hardwood) with lots of photos of the crib as I built it, along with a link to download the Sketchup model in case anybody is interested!

Art Supplies Organizer by Bob

 I am sending some pictures of an art supply organizer that I made for my artist daughter.  It is made of sapele with dovetailed maple drawer slides and green flocking.  The sapele is finished with danish oil, left to dry for minimum of 24 hours, then three coats of armorcoat.  This brings out the beautiful Chatoyence of the sapele!

Secretary Desk by Ethan

I was inspired by your build to make my own. It’s solid red oak with red elm drawer bodies. More of my woodworking is on Instagram @e_hagi75

Dovetailed Box by Jim

This is a dovetailed walnut box with a maple top and bottom that I made for my daughter to give as a wedding gift for some friends.

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