Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Aug 17, 2017

I’m back from my trip to Denver. Marc and I finished filming our picture frame making videos and also decided to each to a project video. Marc went with making a garden gate and I made a bar stool. Back in my shop, I spent some time adding the drawer dividers to the lower case of the highboy.

The Guild:
Marc’s Channel:
Fix This Build That:

Viewer Projects

Pallet Wood Table by Fred

I have a source for some excellent 3x4x8′ wood, you just have to see the beauty behind the ugly on the outside.

It’s spalted white oak finished with 2 coats of oil based fruitwood stain and 3 coats of oil based urethane finish. Hairpin legs which I alas did not make. It would have taken another $1000 of tools and some place to have a fire. I must admit having an anvil would be cool.

This all started out as gnarly pallet wood!

Bench with Butterflies by Tyler

This is a black walnut bench with poplar butterflies as bow ties. I’m trying to incorporate new designs into bow ties to show off the defects of these awesome slabs. 

Shop Stool by Daniel

A shop stool “in concert”.
I made a stool for the workshop, with a comfortable height for my body.
The wood used, here in Argentinian republic, is called “Anchico” (Parapiptadenia rigida).
It is a hard and heavy wood, which for its can also be used outdoors.
The legs have a shape that remembered some of those forms of the fine antique
European furniture, but simplified. A visual suggestion, a recall, but not the details of a particular school.
I made the joints with mortises, tenons and wedges.
Thinking of finishes, and that this stool will be used in the workshop, I decided on water-based polyurethane and satin-look.
This work, was covered with two videos (2 parts) that point to the working feeling. I also called it: “stool in concert”, because of the beauty of the music, that put me on the right sensation.

Engagement Ring box by Zach

I got engaged last week and made a video about a ring box that I built for my now Fiancee

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