This log was slightly too big for my chainsaw mill back in the day but before I got around to cutting it with the larger chainsaw mill, I started building my bandsaw mill. I really wasn’t sure what would be in this log but I figured there would at least be a few areas of curl and spalting. Looks like this log produced some really interesting pieces of wood so I’ll be set on small pieces of figured maple for a while.
Tree was removed in Jan 2016
Log was cut in May 2017
Thanks for the logs, Jared!
8 Responses
No picture ? What gives.
Hi Matt,
I love your stuff. I’m part of a friendly co-op of mutual help woodworkers here in Broken Arrow, (Tulsa) Oklahoma. I’ve told my friends about your big sawmill. May I buy a set of blueprints for the sawmill from you?
I used to play against Robbinsdale in football, wrestling and track. Bloomington HS. about 100 years ago. 🙂
Dave Henry
Hey Dave,
I’m finishing up the plans and will have those available soon. Always great to hear from another minnesotan 😀
I would like to get a set of plans also for the large band Saul Mill. Please let us know when they’re available!
will do!
That would make a great mirror frame if cut to about 2 inches thick and trimmed around the outer perimeter.
I’m thinking toilet seat for the round section.
Dude! Send me that piece! I’ll make something great with it!