Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Sept 23, 2017

I’m back from my trip to the UK with my almost complete chair.  In a few weeks after I’m done with the highboy, I’ll be finishing it up and gluing it together.  On the highboy, I added the knee blocks to the lower case and glued up the panels that will start to form the upper case.
A HUGE thank you to Triton Tools for making the trip possible!
Triton’s Youtube Channel:
Paul’s Chairmaking Courses:


Viewer Projects

Leafed Butternut Bowl by Sean

Here is one of the bowls I turned from the butternut you sent me last year.
I metal leafed the outside of the bowl with silver and treated it with liver of sulfur to create the patina.

Cherry Bed by Rob

I’ve been woodworking for a little over a year. I built the Wood Whisper’s queen size bed ( from cherry with bookmatched walnut panels. The rough lumber was harvested locally and has been air drying in a barn for 30 years.  I built Gregory Paolini’s horizontal slot mortiser ( for all the mortise and tenon joinery. It’s finished with dewaxed shellac followed by 3 coats of General Finishes Satin Arm R Seal.

Walnut Slab Coffee Table by Michael

My name is Michael and I’m seventeen years old. These pictures are of a walnut slab coffee table that is definitely my favorite project so far (i’ve been woodworking for about 3 years). I got the slab from woodcraft and the hairpin legs from rockler. I stabilized the cracks with epoxy tinted with a pearl white color. I used general finishes arm-r-seal to finish it with two coats on the bottom and sides and three coats on the top.

Jewelry Box by Jorge

I have been working on this jewelry box for weeks and I finally finished it.
It is heavily inspired on (i.e. a copy of) your tea box. I watched those videos a gazillion times and I learned a ton, so thank you so much for uploading them.
 Making this box was also a huge learning experience.  There are quite a number of things I wouldn’t mess up if I did it again 🙂
 Starting with the separator between the drawers which is not from the same board and so the grain doesn’t match and I can’t tell you how much it saddens me.  I actually screwed it up three times.  The very first time I cut the tails on the wrong side of the separator. Then I found a second piece that sort of looked like it, but cut it a half a milimeter too short. So then I cut a third separator, but I glued it upside down so the grain, which was supposed to match, somewhat, doesn’t match at all.  So bottom line that separator just did not want to happen 🙂

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