Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Oct 13, 2017

On the highboy this week I got the upper case glued up; finished up the scroll board details and got it attached to the case; added the vertical dividers and hidden drawer supports and prepped the stock for the 11 drawer fronts.

Viewer Projects

Reclaimed Wood Oak Bench by Adam

Made from all reclaimed oak except the frame pieces. This bench is part of a series of Table/Bench combo that will go in our kitchen. These pieces were rough when I first got them but really brought out the beauty of this wood.

Cradle for Cameron Nelson by Andrew

Local walnut, mortise and tenon, with 3 coats Arm-R-Seal. Decided to make it knockdown, learned how much of a pain it is to store these fully assembled with the first cradle I made 4 years ago for my son. This one has all brass hardware, bolts and threaded inserts from Lee Valley. Got a Lie Nielson doweling plate for this project but couldn’t get smooth dowels, no lathe to turn them close like you showed, wound up just buying some from Woodcraft.

Live Edge Bench from Unwanted Timber by Alex

The seat and rails are made from Macrocarpa, the legs are made from Myrtle and the bowties are made from Blackwood (local Tasmanian timbers). I received the majority of the timber for free from my local slab guy as it was full of imperfections and he had to move it.

Bar top by Austin

This is my first ever bar top.  Made from 7/4 soft maple. It was glued and assembled than stain. It’s 17″ wide and 84″ long.

You can see the process on our instagram.

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