Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – November 5, 2018

Getting the last large items taken care of on the sideboard. I built and installed the adjustable shelf system and got started on the doors. I also picked up a Huot drill cabinet at an auction which has made my twist drill organization so much better!
The Sideboard Project:

Keith Rucker’s Odds and Ends Video:


Makers Central:

Weekend With Wood:

Viewer Projects

Wash Stand by Robert

This is my attempt to make a reproduction wash stand, the timber was ruff cut silky oak and the insert was birds eye manner gum all Australian timber and a lot of fun to build.

Cookie Table by John

believe the top is maple with the legs and stretchers made from walnut. I recall in a recent update of yours on cutting cookies you stated that you try to cut them with the top and bottom parallel to each other. I’m not sure why this would be the preferred method. As you can see in the side view of my table there is a striking difference in thickness across the top.  In nature there are few things that are perfectly flat and parallel. Many stumps exhibit non linear shapes and depth where root growth comes in contact with the ground, especially on sloped ground. When I cut trees I look for ways to incorporate as much of the tree’s unique shapes as possible. Without parallel cookie surfaces one is faced with the challenge of designing legs of unequal length with the need for solving the challenge by incorporating compound miter angles

Beetle Kill Kids Bed

Finished my first commissioned piece. Beetle kill kids bed. 39×75. Colorado sourced bettle kill from Mountainheart woodworks in Elizebeth CO.  Motice and tenon joinery, flush mount bed rail brackets. Finished in Tung oil.

Maloof Inspired Dining Chairs by Brian

Four chairs made out of mahogany for the main part of the chair, spalted figured maple for the back slats and African black wood for the plugs. All of the back slats are continues grain match on both sides of the back slats. I had two mahogany boards that was around 12” wide and 17’ long and no scraps left over.

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2 Responses

  1. How much effort do you put into your videos and articles Matt? 😀

    Great stuff! Keep it up, enjoy your videos and posts. Meticulously made and highly valuable content (:

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