Busy week! In the shop I made good progress on the sideboard by getting the doors built and mostly installed. I also made all the knobs for the doors and drawers. I have a lot of slabs to stack so while I was applying finish to the door panels, I got started on a batch of my stack leveling bases. Out in the cremonatorium, I slabbed up the big red oak log that was on my mill and I had a visitor who brought a trailer of logs from Mississippi.
Thanks for visiting, Phil! https://www.instagram.com/phillafferty/
T shirts, sweatshirts, hats, and plans: https://www.mattcremona.com/shop
The Sideboard Project: https://thewoodwhispererguild.com/product/shaker-sideboard/
Viewer Projects
Cookie Top Side Table by Glen
Here is the white oak side table that I built. The broken cookie was in my buddies burn pile. The rotten wood was stabilized with multiple pours of regular epoxy and finished with polyurethane The Top glass is tempered.
Live Edge Waterfall Urn by Joshua
The joinery is basic, I routed two parallel dados into the walnut slab before cutting the miters so i could inset the maple sides. I then cleaned up the extremely rough live edges with a rough sanding, a blow torch and a wire wheel. I cut the miters on a my first table saw sled (very basic but i added a stripe of wood 90 degrees to the blade that would ride inside the walnut slab dados). This is how I was able to keep the miters parallel with one another. I cut rabbits in the maple sides so i could hide the bottom. Once glued together i used a rasp to contour the live edge portions that didn’t match up perfectly and then I burned those fresh wood areas to match the rest. I finished the box with a wipe on poly.
Crib and End Table by Richard
Harp case by Art
My brother picked up a harp some time ago and the case was in bad shape. He asked me to make him a case. This is my first case of any type. I have been woodworking all my life. (I’m now 72) and this presented me with a challenge. The wood is ¼ inch mahogany mostly scraps, the top and bottom are four pieces glued up two for the top, two for the bottom. The sides are tong and grove, mortis and tenon 18 pieces of mostly ¼ inch mahogany. The corners were glued ¾ inch scrap built up so I could cut the corners on the band saw. No fasteners were used only Tight Bond III glue. I used mahogany stain and three costs of varnish with light sanding in between each coat.
The inside is lined with ¼ inch foam car head liner and I made a cushion for underneath the neck and as a string protector for the top. Of course my family name is stamped on the case.