Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Nov 30, 2015

Lots of slabbing this week as I work on processing the ash logs that I picked up last week.  In the shop, I started work on the sofa table.  I laid out the project parts on the boards and rough milled them to size.

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10 Responses

  1. I see that you have a Rikon band saw wondering if it is the 14′ model Menards had one on sale for one only for 699 200 of regular price i have some Elm from my back yard it is not real big. Is the Rikon up to that task Thanks Matt HArley

    1. Hi Harley, I believe Menards carries the one I have; it’s a 10-325. It’s surprisingly powerful for the price and size. I’ve done small logs on it in the past before I had my chainsaw mill.

  2. Matt. glad you had a great week. Just wanted to drop a line letting you know how much I enjoy your videos and your work with Matthew Morris.

  3. Matt I love watching your videos. You’re like the crazy cousin I don’t have but always wanted. I’m glad you had a good Thanksgiving and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

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