I’m been busily working on the bandsaw mill. Since I posted the drive wheel video, I’ve added the motor mount and have most of the raise/lower mechanism set up.
Thank you to Wrangler RIGGS WORKWEAR for sponsoring this video. Check out the full line of RIGGS workwear: http://bit.ly/2dDv7MK
Metal Circ saw: http://amzn.to/2c3DaSS
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Viewer Projects
Oak Table by Geoff
A simple oak side table for my 4 year old daughter. She has a night light / torch so she can got to the toilet at night and needed a side table to put it on. She is super excited with her new (but simple) table.
Timber Framed Bed by Bob
I wanted to build a unique bed for my room for a long time and while searching the Internet for ideas on timber framed structures, I ran across beds. Well, this started the creative Apps going. I knew I wanted to utilize standard timber framed joinery including mortises with through tenons, regular M and T and half lap dovetail joints all pegged. Except for the infill panels of the head and foot boards, there is no glue or mechanical fasteners. All of the joints have 3/4″ Sweetgum pegs that I milled and shaped myself.
I had some Poplar logs from my fiancé, Dawn’s, house that were cut down the prior year, that had not been milled yet. Once I cut into them and found the deep rich purple colors, I knew my direction. For the most part, the wood is its natural color, I did use powder pigment in some mineral oil to even out some of the colors, mostly to match the posts. The support brackets are Sweetgum from my yard and the slats or as I call them, purlins, are red oak from Dawn’s yard. The final finish is a 50/50 mix of mineral oil and poly. Then coated with a beeswax paste that I made.
This was a great project and stretched my abilities a tad, but very happy with the out come.
Jewelry Box by Ethan
I finally finished my jewelry box project for my mom. It’s made out of curly birch and walnut. The dovetails could be better, but I’m still practicing. It was my first time using arm r seal and I’m really happy with how it turned out. It popped the grain well and buffed to a nice sheen.
Dresser by Lee
This was my first experience using a lathe, which I actually purchased for the project. On very close inspection both legs and mirror supports are not identical to their counterpart, but I pleasantly surprised myself how close I was able to get. I have the lathe bug now. The dresser is a mix of Oak, Birch, Cherry, Ash, Pine and spruce; basically scraps left over from past projects. Finished with chalk paint and a water base top coat.
4 Responses
Thanks for the update Matt! ….Nice viewer projects and new clothes!
Thanks Fred!
Are you going to install any safety shields around the saw mill?
The blade guards will be coming up shortly