Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – May 18 2015

This week I continued working on my shop desk.  I got all the drawer fronts and pulls installed and I am currently finishing up the top.  I continued working on gluing up blanks for cutting boards.  I still have a lot to glue up.  I also started working on the bassinet.  I got all the stock roughed out for it and will be starting on the joinery this week.  Last week I also spent a day in the woods gathering logs to be turned into lumber.  And to top the week off, I bought a trailer.

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3 Responses

  1. Which Lennox bandsaw blade do you use? I just bought a Hammer N4400 saw and want a blade thar will last a few years

  2. Which Lennox bandsaw blade do you use? I just bought a Hammer N4400 saw and want a blade thar will last a few years

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