Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – May 16, 2016

Outside this week, I was able to get my stack of ash all ready for drying.  The smaller log was temporarily stacked in my driveway after I cut it into slabs.  In the shop, I worked on the porch swing/day bed thingy.

More information on my Houston Visit:

Viewer Projects

Bassinet by Peter

I wanted to share a project I just completed (perhaps you could include it in your weekly updates). It is my take on your rocking bassinet. I loved your design so much that I wanted to build it for my second son, Matty. I changed the proportions a bit so that the mattress would be level with our bed. So I made it taller and reduced the thickness of the wood to 3/4.
I am new to woodworking and this is my first project using lumber that is not from the Home Depot. The wood is ash that came from my yard. The tree was killed by the emerald ash borer. I cut it down and made the lumber using a chainsaw (I am very jealous of your mill). When the wood was milled I filled the bug tunnels with clear epoxy. I think it gives it a cool look. You can see all the tunnels in the pictures.
The joints are mortise and tenon cut using Matthias Wandel’s pantorouter. Since the joints are so complex and I had to fit so many side spindles I used thickened epoxy for the glue. The finish is semi-gloss wipe on poly.  The project took about 2 months working a bit every evening.

Tool Cabinet by Blake

As with everything I make – I compiled some photos and ideas from tool cabinets online and came up with this. Measures 38″ tall, 30″ wide, doors 3.25″ deep and cabinet 4.5″ deep. Left a small amount of room for some future tool purchases but had to order the remaining sweethearts as those empty slots were killing me. Drawers are made of birch and same with the splines.

Bed Into a Bench by Yoni

I am 17 years old an i have been woodworking for a couple years now and i have been woodturning for about 2 years now. Someone asked me to make this bench from an old bed, the bed had been in her family for many generations however it broke when moving it so therefore i was asked to turn it into a bench. The back of the bench is made from the headboard and the footboard was cut in half to make the sides. The front and the top where you sit is made from the sides of the bed.

Chinese Elm Table by Bob

The top is about 12/4 slice of Chinese  Elm with the bark inclusion incorporated into the relief carving of a Special Forces unit crest, with several of my challenge coins inlaid. The finish is a two part epoxy glaze.  The base is made from pine. It nearly 2 years for that slice to dry….tested my patience.

Submit your viewer project: Email me pictures and a description of your project and I’ll feature your project on the show.

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