Spent a couple hours starting to slab the smaller ash log, tried out the Lie Nielsen Low Angle Jack Plane, and squared up the posts for JR’s bed.
Lie Nielsen Low Angle Jack Plane
Viewer Projects
Walnut Natural Edge Bench by BJ
Walnut Box by Earl
It was the first box I have ever built. The walnut used originated from my great grandfather’s farm and was milled down by my grandfather almost 20 years ago. This project surely tested my abilities and patience. I used purpleheart and African blackwood as the miter spines (what a challenge!). I used rare earth magnets (one hidden in the lid) to keep the box secure. I made a lot of mistakes on this box, but was able to work around them or change my plans along the way. The untrained eye can’t see the defects. I guess that’s what we shoot for. I gave this box to my parents for Christmas as a “Legacy Box” to put their wills and valuable papers in.
Maple and Cherry Butcher Block by Anthony
Chaotic Chessboard by Will
Submit your viewer project: Email me pictures and a description of your project and I’ll feature your project on the show.