I finished slabbing the smaller ash log that I had up on the mill last week and also milled up my neighbor’s birch tree. At the computer, I finished editing the farmhouse table videos and in the shop, I experimented with a live edge treatment for the bed project.
Farmhouse Table and Benches Project: https://thewoodwhispererguild.com/product/farmhouse-table-benches/
Highboy Project: https://thewoodwhispererguild.com/product/queen-anne-highboy/
Live Edge Waterfall Table Project: https://thewoodwhispererguild.com/product/live-edge-waterfall-table/
Lie-Nielsen 7″ Curved Drawknife: http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/lie-nielsen-7in-drawknife.aspx?A=1314
Viewer Projects
Dining table + coffee table set + TV unit by Derar
Here are some of my latest projects. I used a plywood with a walnut and mappa burl wood veneer.
Tea Light Holder – by Phil
The Learning Tower by Will
Sometimes things don’t go according to plan.
Cherry Coffee Table by Boris
Joinery is dowels and finished with polyurethane.
Submit your viewer project: Email me pictures and a description of your project and I’ll feature your project on the show.