Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – July 4, 2017

We had some beautiful weather so I was able to get outside and cut up the maple log and get started cutting the walnut that I had picked up a couple weeks ago. In the shop, I continued working on the cabriole legs by turning the pad and shaping the foot.

The Highboy Project



July 7 & 8 –

Viewer Projects

Bandsaw Boxes by James

I made this set of bandsaw boxes for my wife and two daughters. The wood is hickory and walnut, and they’re finished with polyurethane and furniture wax. I filled the cracks with your recipe of West Systems epoxy. These are the first bandsaw boxes I’ve made.


American Flag by Josh

Toybox by Chris

I recently completed my son’s toybox this weekend. I’ve attached a link with pictures and a short vidoe clip. He even “helped” me finish it in the video. It’s walnut and maple (I had just finished the box when the infamous Shannon hates walnut/maple podcast came out) with hand cut dovetails. Finished with orange shellac and a couple top coats of Arm R Seal.

White Oak Dresser by James

Shinto Rasp:

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