A very productive week in the shop working on the sofa table project. I was able to complete the joinery for the 3 panels, their breadboards and the joinery into the legs. I started working on a bowl turning series and I also finished up some cutting boards. Now I only have 20 left to finish!
Viewer Projects
Live Edge Maple Box by Gary Pivovarov
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Gpivov
Toolbox for Chisels and Planes by Augusto Campos
Blog: http://woodworking.augcampos.pt/blog-posts/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgjLRYlhwoicW7UKSiLzrOIQpjFF-s3Br
Bassinet by Knut Magne Dalsbø
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kmdalsbo/
Urn by Tyler Depatie
Sofa Table Project:
Use the coupon code “slabs” before Dec 31, 2015 to get 20% off just the sofa table project: http://bit.ly/1XRuNzi
OR purchase the Early Bird Bundle to get the sofa table and 2 other upcoming projects for 50% off: http://bit.ly/1m7Ytaw
Preorder a cutting board: http://bit.ly/1htQwtF
Highland Woodworking Product Tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0OzFT8H6vI