Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Dec 13 2016

Lots of small details getting finished up this week.  The blade guards are complete with the exception of the guarding that goes out from the idle wheel to the guide.  The biggest addition this week is the tensioning mechanism.

Viewer Projects

Table by Gary

The table was far outside my box.  I was in a terrible time-crunch so not having to build the table frame was a great help to me.  I had some old white ash from the log cabin that we took apart when we bought this property ; the cabin was 100+ years old 25 years ago.  Plus, I like the look of the steel; it imparts a modern look that is different from anything I’ve done before.  The finishing job is obviously different.  I’m a pretty conventional kind of woodworker and finisher (Shaker style is basically my thing) so this table is a radical departure.  My family and I spend a lot of time in the FL Keys and we all  love the color of turquoise water.   The table top is an attempt to replicate and remind us of the flowing water.  I used  about 5 different tints of blue to make the river of water running down the center of the table and I used many coats to epoxy (with slight amounts of blue dye added) to create the drips of water on the metal frame.  I built up the drips like stalactites,dripping small amounts day after day until the “drips” elongated nicely.   For the finish, I used 6 coats of tung oil and worked progressively through the grits from 200 at the start, to 1500 grit after the last coat.  I topped it off with Turtle Wax.  Yes, Turtle Wax.  I promise, the top feels like glass and the Turtle Wax gives a great, long lasting layer of protection.

Engagement Ring Box by Luke

I wanted to share the engagement ring box that I made for my (hopefully) to be fiance – I’m asking tomorrow night from the time that I send this email.
It’s made from American Walnut, which isn’t so easy to find in my neck of the woods (South Australia), but I managed to track some down. This is the first project that I’ve used what I consider to be “real woodworkers wood”, all my other projects have just been using construction pine, plywood or MDF, all the cheap stuff.
It’s all one solid piece of walnut, which I used a router to remove the bulk of the middle of the body of the box, and then a chisel to square up the edges. The “lid” or “door” is held close by 4 tiny (2mm diameter) rare earth magnets, which are the perfect strength to hold it together but also allow for it to be easily opened. The finish is a Scandinavian Oil (which is apparently a premium Danish Oil). I live with my girlfriend/fiance, so I’ve had to build this in the couple of hours every week that I’m home and she’s at work, but I think I have managed to do it without her knowing.
A last note that might be interesting is that I’ve made all the cuts using my mitre saw. When you see how small the box is, and especially the part that holds the ring itself, you’ll see how big of a deal that is. Obviously a band saw would have been the better tool to use, but unfortunately I don’t have one, so had to stick with what I do have! I just used lots of masking tape to hold everything in position while I made the cuts. This stopped the off cuts from flying away too, so it made everything very easy and surprisingly safe.

Crib by Shawn

Finally got the baby crib finished and in her room! Its my first large project. It’s made out of eastern red cedar and finished with shellac and buffed with brixwax clear. On and off it took 1year and 4 months to make. All joinery holding it together. The pegs for the drawbore are oak. To turn the tenons on the spreader rails I had to make a spring pole lathe/ but in my case a bungee lathe cause my garage wasn’t tall enough for the pole! Lol The spreader rails started out as square stock and I draw knifed them down to  size and shape. 44 spindles in all. 16 oak pegs I got from 1in stock and shaped with the draw knife and sized them using three large washers. The mattress rails were cut with a bow in them so when I put the cross board in it holds pressure on them. There held by 8, 3/8in ash dowels. I really enjoyed making this but like you said when you built your crib it took longer than expected! lol

Toy Box by Dane

Toy Box for my grandson Knox; 1st piece of furniture; Eastern Red Cedar;  36 hand cut dovetails; 2 box joints on lid trim; 8 coats of shellac w/2 coats of paste wax.
Wanted it to look like it came out of a 100 year old farm house, cleaned up and refinished.  My dovetails need a lot of work as well as my finishing techniques.  Overall, I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out.

Submit your viewer project: Email me pictures and a description of your project and I’ll feature your project on the show.
Home Addition & Renovation

Cabinetry and open seating

Welcome back to our home renovation and remodel.  Today, I am hoping to have the island cabinetry built out, as well as getting the leg

Home Addition & Renovation

White Oak Kitchen Island Leg

Welcome back to the shop! I’m continuing on with the white oak island build. Last time I made the end panels for the cabinetry unit,

2 Responses

  1. Matt

    I think you are doing a great job on your sawmill build. I have a Lumbermate 2000 and have cut a ton of Minnesota basswood and butternut logs on it. I think your clamping system is pretty good but instead of using a hammer if you make the screw turn you can kick the leg over close and then just turn the screw to tighten it. I had someone build me a cam type that works good for squared up cants or for edge trimming rough edge boards. Having a sawmill is fun, a lot of work as you already know but hey no such thing as a free lunch right! I have been thinking of upgrading to new mill with a few more bells and whistles, rolling 26″ diameter white oak logs is getting harder to do:)
    keep up the good work


  2. Matt,
    One suggestion for the clamps on your sawmill. Make a slide hammer with a hook to go around the pipe to loosen your holding clamp. It will be easier in the confined space.


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