Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Aug 9, 2017

This week I’m visiting Marc Spagnuolo to film a few videos on making picture frames. Back in the shop, I completed the frame of the lower case for the highboy.
The Guild:
Marc’s Channel:

Goby Walnut:

Viewer Projects

Exploded View Bench by Dan

Record Player Stand by Kyle

Here is a record player stand I made from Brazilian cherry with purple heart bowties.  This is first time I have done box joints.  It was a fun project.

Spice Box by Ryan

This is my live edge Huon Pine and Tasmanian Blackwood spice box. I am 18 years old and I made this as my minor project in my year 12(senior) high school woodwork class. The corner joinery is my first attempt at hand cut finger joints, the lid is made out of a single piece of live edge Huon Pine, the accents are Tasmanian Blackwood, sanded to 600 grit and finished with linseed oil.

Hope Chest by Luke

I just finished building a hope chest for my niece and thought I would see if it was decent enough to submit for your viewer projects!  My sister and brother-in-law commissioned it for her graduation.  It is red oak with a red oak stain (both her choice), and finished with sherwin-williams medium buffed pre-catalyzed lacquer shot with a Graco airless sprayer.  It is lined with tongue and groove eastern red cedar planks, and has a dovetailed sliding tray that has her favorite quote laser etched into the tray bottom.  I also used the Rockler torsion hinges, which seem to work great.

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