Matt’s Weekly Shop Update – Aug 1, 2017

Chris stopped by for the day and we recorded a few segments for his upcoming Chopumentary and also milled up a walnut log. In the shop, I made a pair of replacement handles for my wheelbarrow and started working on a crosscut sled.

Chris’s Channel:

Viewer Projects

Teachers’s Gift by Stephen

My gift that I have made for my Maths teacher, as I am just finishing my GCSE’s. My name is Stephen and I’m from the Midlands ( UK).  I’m 16 years old and work out of a 6×11 foot shed.  The hand is made from Cherry and the base from oak. The hand was carved with a chisel and a bandsaw. The writing in the middle was burnt with a soldering iron. If you don’t get the joke, it says pi-5 , a play on words with high-five.


Step Stool by Ross

This was a commission piece, the customer wanted a nice step stool for a wine cellar. I designed it in sketchup to get the exact dimensions for the components. The legs are splayed out at 10 degrees, and the sides are also tapered. All the joinery was cut by hand using Japanese hand tools. I added a stretcher in the back for added strength (with dovetails again). I also relieved some material from the very bottom of each leg so the whole thing rests on four smaller feet.  The wood is quartersawn white oak and I used a cherry stain to really bring out the grain.


Changing Table by Wayne

I just finished building a changing table for my daughter we are expecting at the end of June.  I basically designed and built a desk, with the upper hutch designed to lie down on top of the desk and fit a changing pad into the computer monitor area.  I made it with curly maple and black walnut.

Just some quick info about me:  My name is Wayne Welshans, I live in the Syracuse, NY area.  I have been woodworking for about 5 years and I have learned nearly everything I know about woodworking from youtube, with a big chunk of that info from your channel.  Every project keeps getting better and this is my best one yet, I know the craftsmanship is not flawless but I think the design concept is a great idea and would like to share it with the youtube universe that has helped me so much.

Crib by DJ

I used your plans to build a version of your walnut bassinet about a year ago. I made that for my nephew and I ended up using pocket holes. Well I have a son on the way now so I figured I would step up my game a little bit and test my skills so this time I made a full crib, the first time I designed my own project, used only hand cut joinery, and really completed a project on time lol. Here is a picture of the crib, it is red oak with red maple drawer fronts.


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