Sharpening a Dull Chisel – Ask Matt #8

A dull chisel is something that is hard to come by in my shop. So when I was asked to show how I would sharpen a dull chisel, I had to get creative with my dulling process.  This videos show how I would restore the edge to a heavy damaged chisel using a slow speed grinder and my water stones.

This is the eighth episode of my Ask Matt series where I answer broader topic questions.  If you have an idea for a topic for a future episode, please let me know.

[Amazon links are affiliate links]
Slow Speed Grinder:
1000/6000 Grit Combination Stone (800/4000 no longer available):
8000 Grit Shapton Stone:
Coarse Diamond Plate:
Honing Guide:

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2 Responses

  1. I am a woodworker, so I have to maintain my cutting and drilling tools carefully. Recently, I added up a bench grinder in my workshop, as described by so it has become easier for me to sharpen my tools on my own.

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