Q&A Experiment With Jay Bates & Nick Ferry

Jay Bates: http://www.jayscustomcreations.com
Nick Ferry: http://www.nickferry.com

Audio Only

Questions We Answer:

MOST COMMON TOPIC: Do you guys still have regular jobs or businesses or is your primary income source your websites and YouTube channels? What do you guys do for a living? How does one get the cash flow to work?

J Rowe – Do you now work in your shop full time or do you still have other employment?

Liam – do you have any interest in getting a lathe

Retro Weld – What was the driving factor that made you want to start doing YouTube? For me, it was watching great YouTubers like you guys that inspired me to film my first video. 🙂

Jermmy – What’s the wood that you like the most?

KSFWG (dave) What project(s) have you done on YouTube that you wish you hadn’t and what project did you put off doing (maybe for years) and finally did and said to yourself “I should have done that years (or months) ago”?

Paul Meyette – to each of you. you’re being escorted to the electric chair, your last meal is, what? Nick, if your answer us sushi, what’s your favorite dessert? Also, to each…..favorite beer?

Michael – A lot of us can’t afford a festool domino, is there anything cheaper we can buy. I know about biscuits but they are not as structural sounds as dominos.

Bruce Hurlburt – If you could only make ONE type of outdoor furniture to sell to the public to make a living off of what would it be?

Michael Lawing – Favorite non-woodworking channels/genres
Joshua – How long after you started doing woodworking did you decide to start making videos and posting them on youtube? Was there any other intent to recording your woodworking other than posting it to youtube?

Nick C – How long does it take to edit your average video? How have you been able to cut editing time since you started? Look forward to the Q&A.

Keith Katchem – Should I buy a cheap (Ryobi or similar) table top drill press and upgrade later or wait to be able to afford a nice floor stand one?

Michael – What one thing do you know now that you wish you’d been told prior to going full-time youtube/woodworking

Kory James from Sarnia Ontario Canada –
Matt – Can you explain your milling process for jointing boards before a project. Specifically how many stages do you mill the material in and how long do you wait between each stage to give yourself the best opportunity to have the best results in dealing with wood movement.
Jay: Random question. Are you a smoker? you seem to always be coughing in your vlog videos.
Nick: Who are 2 you favorite youtube woodworkers. Pick 1 for tallent and 1 for overall entertainment quality (excluding Matt and Jay) that way you don’t feel pressured to say them while they are listening in.

Paul – How is working for yourself different from what you had expected?

David Cortes, Christopher – Any chance this Q&A can turn into a podcast?

Noah Fargo – how long have you been woodworking?

bevaroni – I follow a number DIY and Maker channels and have come to realize that many of you are making a living doing this. How does one get the cash flow to work?

Rob – what software do you use to edit your video’s.

Ty Moser – Now that you’ve been woodworking for quite a long time, if you were to do it all over again, would you have focused more on traditional hand tool methods?

instantsiv – If in 5 years YouTube shuts down what do you see yourselves doing?

Chris – If you could only use 1 type of finish on your projects what would it be?” In other words, what’s the “go to” finish you typically use?

Doing Whatever tweeted – Do you have a heating system in your shop? If so, what type? Potential dangers, besides fumes, with a propane heater?
Andrew Kavanagh – I live in Elk River, Minnesota, and heat my shop with a wood stove. I find that over the winter months I’m in the shop either daily, because once it’s warm it’s easier to keep that way. Or I’m absent from it for a week or more at a time, because once it’s cold, I lose motivation. Mathew and Nick, you both live in cold climates. How do you heat your shop? And if it’s not always heated, how do you not lose motivation when your shop is less than an ideal temp?

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