Thanks for all the questions! Please let me know what you think of this format vs live.
Bob Lee’s Woodshop –
Jackman Works –
Matt Estlea –
Question Request Video:
00:41 What are you looking for in your next shop , how big ?part of the house, or free standing building? – BobLee
1:52 Who is your favorite YouTuber and why is it Paul Jackman? – Jackman Works
1:59 When storing your milled timber, do you try keep your storage shed at a consistent temperature? I’m having so much trouble with my small workshop, because it doubles as a lumber storage place too, and my projects tends to warp when I joint/thickness my wood. – MR H 91
3:18 Where did you get your training in woodworking? Is woodworking your full time job or do you have a day job? – Eric McMahon
5:15 Question: What are you going to do with your sticker wall when you move? Gonna bring those insulation panels with you? – Sean @ SimpleCove
Matt, are you still intending to upgrade the mill as you spoke about or is that something not as necessary since you have used it for a while? – Larry Be
Matt, can you give us a preview of your ideas on automating the bandsaw? – Greg Brown
What are the next improvements to the sawmill going to be? Are hydraulic arms and lifters going to happen this year? – blakeh1949
8:27 Why are you so awesome? – Luis Figueroa
8:31 Seeing as though you work for yourself from home – do you ever have trouble getting motivated to put in a full days work? If so how do you deal? – Chris
11:16 Matt, are you taller then Matt estlea? – Lenny matvyeyev
11:21 I’m curious what steps you take to make sure your a good neighbor. I imagine the saw mill is loud, but maybe you have a rule that you don’t start it up at 6am on Saturday mornings. How do you manage that? – rissync
15:39 Did you fall on your head a lot as a child? – John Hastings
4 Responses
I like both formats
Have you considred the Wooton Desk?
I really like your Jan 30th video … your one very smart cookie Matt … about woodworking, timber sawing, design, video production and life …. enuff said …
…, Please do more episodes like this … I wish you where my next door neighbor …. 😉 … David
thank you David! I have another one coming up 🙂